Quality and safety have always been a top priority for us. Therefore, services and products from the company RST Rostock System-Technik are developed, produced and introduced within the scope of an efficiently integrated management system (IMS-RST).
The IMS-RST with the components quality, environment, work protection and information safety is connected to the regulations of our parent company, the FERCHAU Group’s management system regulations and meets all the statutory provisions in this respect:
Since 1998, we have a certified quality management system (QMS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. As a supplier to the aviation and space industry, the certification was extended in 2004 according to the additional requirements of EN 9100 and an entry was made in the I.A.Q.G. OASIS database.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND occupational safety:
Our environmental management system has been certified in accordance with ISO 14001 since 2009. Also, as a manufacturer of electrical and electronic devices, RST is registered with the “stiftung elektro-altgeräte register - ear” [foundation for old electrical devices register]. The occupational safety management system certified in 2021 follows the regulations of ISO 45001.
Adherence to the information safety requirements has been based on our certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 since 2015.

Certificates & approvals
As part of the Multi-Site-Certification of the FERCHAU GmbH RST is certified according to EN 9100:2018 (complies AS 9100D and JISQ 9100:2016).
RST is listet as qualified aviation supplier in the International Aerospace Quality Group-database (I.A.Q.G. OASIS Database).
The environmental management system of RST is certified according to ISO 14001:2015.
The occupational safety system of RST is certified according to ISO 45001:2018.
The information security system of RST is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
Moreover, after an intensive selection process within the framework of current tenders for various areas of work (JSO & JECO), RST is a listed Airbus EMES³ Preferred Supplier within the FERCHAU Aviation Group and with Aeroline. This will make it possible to implement RST's entire aviation-specific range of services in this network for Airbus.
We are holder of all necessary delegations and certificates to support Airbus' complex development and production processes on our own responsibility.
RST is approved as supplier of wire harnesses for Airbus Helicopters.
RST has the Airbus Approval for the Management and Cascade of Design Organisation Authority and Signatory.
RST is an approved supplier in accordance with SABRe for Development Products authorised by Rolls-Royce.
RST is registered with the „stiftung elektro-altgeräte register - ear“: WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 98768410.