The challenge
RST Rostock System-Technik has taken over parts of development as well as the validation and verification (testing) of complex, safety-critical software for the management and weaponry deployment system (Command & Control) for a technology company from the area of maritime defence. On the one hand, the definition, implementation and performance of the tests by independent third parties and on the other hand very high test coverage were decisive here. Moreover, the objective was to realise efficient test automation to save time and costs.
The solution
Within the scope of the project, various effectors and sensors are integrated into the guidance system and controlled via corresponding HMIs. Using the bottom-up test strategy, RST implemented tests at module, component and unit levels. Test cases were derived and test scripts implemented. Test implementation took place using static (e.g. zero warning compilation or code inspection) and dynamic methods (e.g. code coverage [white box], function-orientated test [black box]. The final tests were fully automated for efficiency improvement purposes.

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