The challenge
Together with the ArianeGroup and the Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Materialforschung [Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Material Research], Rostock System-Technik has developed innovative insulation materials using phase change material (PCM) which allows reduction and setting of the working temperature in the space system (Contract no. 4000127319/19/NL/BJ/va).
The innovative insulation mats augment passive temperature control systems whilst promising significantly improved absorption properties vis-à-vis the technology applied to-date. This enables temperature stabilisation in the cryogenic area.
The solution
Under RST’s management, potential areas of use for the PCM insulation mats were identified within the scope of this cooperation project, corresponding requirements derived and feasibility and performance analyses carried out. Based on these insights, a thermal energy storage unit fit for space was then developed. Here, the concept developed in a BMBF [German Federal Ministry of Education and Research] funding project for thermal energy storage in liquid air energy storage plants with a focus on terrestrial applications was developed further for space use.
Methods & tools
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